Supporting Foster & Adoptive Kids and Parents
4PointsKids Volunteer Care Community
How to Become a 4PointsKids Child Care Provider
4PointsKids Volunteer Care Community
Part of the 4PointsKids mission is to equip and engage Christian individuals and churches across Central Texas to support foster and adoptive families, as well as children in foster care, by creating a volunteer care community of babysitters and respite care providers.
The 4PointsKids Care Community is made up of compassionate members within a foster or adoptive family’s extended family, church community, and other supportive individuals. If you feel called to join, we provide all necessary training, background checks, and require pediatric First Aid/CPR certifications.
Here are practical ways to support your favorite foster or adoptive families:
1. Support a Foster Family - Babysitters Club
Up to 12 hours, not overnight, in verified or unverified homes*
A major need is for trusted babysitters who can periodically care for foster children, giving parents time for dates, errands, or rest. The 4Points Babysitter’s Club meets this need by creating a list of trained, certified sitters foster families can rely on.
Attend Awareness Orientation Class (see Foster and Adoption Parent Training)
Criminal Background Check and FBI Fingerprinting (includes background check consent form and copies of driver license and social security card)
Signed agreement to the 4PointsKids Discipline and Confidentiality Policies
Current Pediatric CPR/First Aid certification
Must be 16+ with a specific connection with the foster family needing a babysitter
2. Support a Foster Family - Overnight Care Providers
Up to 72 hours in verified or unverified homes*
Attend Awareness Orientation Class (see Foster and Adoption Parent Training)
Criminal Background Check and FBI Fingerprinting (includes background check consent form and copies of driver license and social security card)
Signed agreement to the 4PointsKids Discipline and Confidentiality Policies
Completion of Psychotropic Medication Training (3 hours)
Current Pediatric CPR/First Aid certification
Must be 18+ and connected to a specific foster family needing overnight care
3. Support a Foster Family - Unverified Respite Provider
Up to 14 days in unverified homes*
Attend Awareness Orientation Class (see Foster and Adoption Parent Training)
Criminal Background Check and FBI Fingerprinting (includes background check consent form and copies of driver license and social security card)
Signed agreement to the 4PointsKids Discipline and Confidentiality Policies
Completion of Psychotropic Medication Training (3 hours)
Completion of Trauma Informed Care Training (2 hours)
Current Pediatric CPR/First Aid certification
Must be 18+ and connected to a specific foster family needing respite care
4. Support a Foster Family - Verified Respite Foster Parents
For verified* 4PointsKids foster families, providing respite care for up to 72 hours to 14 days​
Attend Awareness Orientation Class (see Foster and Adoption Parent Training)
Completion of all requirements for becoming a fully verified foster family* (see Foster and Adoption Parent Training)
*A verified Texas foster family is a family that has met the requirements to become a foster family in Texas and has received recognition from the state through 4PointsKids as being legally approved to provide foster care services. An unverified respite home is a relative or other person who is appointed to provide care for a child but is not licensed by a child-placing agency to operate a foster home.
Become a 4PointsKids Financial Donor
From its beginning 4PointsKids has been a ministry that cannot take place without the financial support of committed individuals, churches, businesses and corporations. An additional portion of our support comes from governmental funding for foster agencies under contract with the State of Texas and local counties.​ Visit Ways to Donate to 4PointsKids.