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Leading the Way to Excellence

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Founders, 4Points Family Services/4PointsKids​


Carol Mardock serves as Executive Director of 4Points Family Services. In addition to being a gifted administrator, Carol is entrepreneurial at heart and loves creating “new futures” in the arena of child advocacy. She has started and directed 11 different adoption/foster agencies in 9 different states. Carol is co-founder of International Family Services, and an integral part of the formation of 4PointsKids (read about it here), and holds multiple teaching credentials. She taught for many years in special education which she finds very helpful with her work in foster care and adoptions.


Bob and Carol have been married since 1974 and are parents to 10 children, four biological kids and six they adopted. Carol likes to tell people that it’s a lot easier to get out of bed in the morning the day after an adoption than it is the day after giving birth. The Mardocks have foster-parented 12 children and a temporary home for many others needing a safe place. They also claim 18 grand children, 1 great great grandchild – and counting.


When Carol was a little girl she dreamed of building an orphanage and helping orphans and marginalized children. As an adult she saw her dreams come true when she and Bob had the opportunity of managing the funding of 3 orphanage-building projects, countless other special projects while helping thousands of families and children find each other (5000 adoptions). 


Bob also serves on the 4Points Family Services Board of Directors. He is a life-long adoption and foster-care advocate and comes from a background in organizational development, church planting, pastoral ministry, public relations, and leadership and consulting in non-profit organizations. He loves tinkering on his almost classic 1988 Ford pickup and 1986 American Skier ski boat. The Mardocks live in Georgetown, Texas and are members of Celebration Church where they both serve as Ministering Elders. (Download Bob's free ebook A Stormy Night In Bucharest, Angela's Story, how Bob & Carol's personal dreams as child advocates have changed the lives of thousands.)






Director of Operations - Chief Financial Officer 


Tim serves 4PointsKids as our LCPAA, Licensed Child Placement Agency Administrator. Tim grew up in a home where advocating for children was the norm. He has 6 adopted brothers and sisters, saw many faces come through his home as a foster brother, and eventually became an adoptive dad himself, two times so far. In addition to serving as LCPAA Tim also manages staff and business operations. Tim and his wife, Sara, fell in love while serving together on the staff of a Christian camp at the top of a mountain in the Sequoia National Forest (California). Through his years in Christian camping Tim did everything from cooking for hundreds of people to directing recreational activities to managing 20-30 staff members. He and his family love the outdoors but Tim often finds himself happily content reading a good book or running spreadsheets. Tim, his wife Sara and their 4 kids are actively involved in at Celebration Church, Georgetown, Texas.








Board of Directors


Bruce Griffin has over 40 years experience in the real estate industry including residential sales and development, retail commercial brokerage, retail shopping center development, residential development and retail commercial consulting. Bruce has served as a board member and chairman of Salvation Army Loudoun County, Virginia, and as a church elder, Bible study leader and men’s group leader. In addition to serving on the board of 4Points Family Services, he has also served as a board member of CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocate) of Williamson County, Texas. Bruce and wife Susi are are ministering elders at Celebration Church, Georgetown, Texas and has 3 adult daughters.




Board of Directors


When Zion began pursuing her Masters in Marriage & Family Counseling, she was not sure why the Lord was leading in that direction. In Zion’s own words, “My prayer was just for Him to use the training I’d receive for His Kingdom. The possibility of serving foster parents and children is an answer to that prayer in a way I never expected. I believe very much in the vision of 4PointsKids, and the simplicity in obedience to God’s character to 'place the lonely in families.' (Psalm 68:6). I did not grow up knowing Jesus. I was abused as a child by many people I trusted. It wasn’t until college that I encountered Christ and His Church. Through the church, I was stripped of my chains and old hurts and false identities and began walking as a child of God. After getting married, my husband and I began serving as youth pastors at Celebration Church in 2016. I have gotten to see God do incredible things in the hearts and minds of young people, just like He did in mine. We have a huge love for the next generation and believe that there is a revival coming through powerful, practical works of the church, just like 4PointsKids is. Much of my story seems to be leading me to a moment like this one, and I am eager to put my experience to work for this mission of bringing hope. I am honored to serve alongside this team.” Zion is married to Avery and together they have two sons and one daughter.




Board of Directors


Sheryle is a licensed CPA and has served in executive financial leadership roles for three decades helping churches, non-profits, governmental agencies (including 8 years as the CFO for the State Bar of Texas) and rehabilitative service companies meet and exceed their goals through financial stewardship and operational excellence.


Serving on staff at Celebration Church as the Executive Director and Business CFO for over thirteen years, Sheryle became passionate about helping people find healing from various life traumas. After experiencing her own healing and freedom journey from traumas in her life, she went back to school and received her master’s degree in pastoral counseling with a focus in crisis and trauma. She is now launching Healed in Mercy, a non-profit ministry to help women and men heal from trauma wounds so they can live the abundant life they were created to live. Sheryle and her husband, Fred, have 2 teenage boys and live in the greater Austin area. In her free time, she loves to travel, read, explore new places and experience new adventures with her family.




Celebration Church Liaison and Advisor


Pastor Ken serves 4PointsKids as the non-voting bridge between 4Points and Celebration Church. Pastor Ken's career of full-time ministry began in 2002. Over the years Ken has ministered in various areas of focus such as Students, Church Planting, Family/Parenting, Marriage, Men, Small Groups,  Disaster Relief, and Outreach.  His focus is in serving the communities of the greater Austin areas as the Outreach Director for Celebration Church. He is a prayerful supporter of numerous local and state level officials in an ongoing basis.  He has served as a board member for numerous organizations with local, national and international reach. Accompanying his ministry resume; his past experience sitting in leadership and director roles for multiple non-profit organizations serves those he leads well. He and his wife Jenn have 3 wonderful teenagers and as a family they seek to serve others well in all areas of their lives. 






Pastor Mel was a 4PointsKids original board member who we honor and respect for his service and spiritual advice and serves 4PointsKids as a non-voting Advisor. After obtaining his Master’s degree and his Marriage and Therapy license Mel eventually joined the staff of Celebration Church in Georgetown, Texas where he served as Pastor of Pastoral Care and staff counselor. In 2010 Mel and his family answered the call of God to move to Xai Xai, Mozambique, Africa, serving under the leadership of Pastors Joe and Lori Champion and Celebration Church. Over a seven year period of time Mel, along with his gifted wife, Diane, were responsible for raising up local church leadership, for planting and growing a multi-site church (13 Celebration church plants with an attendance of nearly 3,000), starting a child-sponsorship ministry that would feed 400 children every day, and establishing the School of Champions that soon became recognized by the Mozambique government as one of the leading educational models in the country. During their time in Mozambique Mel and Diane would mentor their replacements, and in 2017 the Stauber family returned to Austin. Just recently Mel and Diane returned to Mozambique to continue their lifetime goal of serving God where he leads. Mel and Diane have 2 adult children who live in the US.


is the foster care and adoption ministry of

4Points Family Services

(512) 688-5187

6019 Tonkowa Trail, Georgetown, Texas 78628

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